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Cannot edit channels

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    Posts: 153


    I am trying to get rid of some channels, especially Vintage tv which always causes the machine to flip off and lose any recordings (anyone know why this channel always does this?) i am looking in settings to edit channels but it is greyed out with now way of selecting it. At the moment there is a film recording so would that be causing this option to be turned off ?


    | Sat 5 Dec 2015 12:04:21 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    You cannot carry out any changes which may affect a current recording (You might delete the recording channel for instance). Retuning options will also not be available.

    Once any recordings are completed the edit channels option should be available again.

    | Sat 5 Dec 2015 12:24:25 #2 |
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    Ok, thanks.

    | Sat 5 Dec 2015 16:04:07 #3 |
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    hubb - 5 hours ago  » 
    I am trying to get rid of some channels, especially Vintage tv which always causes the machine to flip off and lose any recordings (anyone know why this channel always does this?

    Ye. It does that consistently if it is still on the old software.
    Have a look to see which software version you are using. Unless you want it to reboot then currently it should be UKTFAC 1.01.16

    MENU > Settings > System > System Information

    | Sat 5 Dec 2015 17:48:56 #4 |

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