My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Cannot fast forward on files copied from pvr9200t

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    Joined: Dec '12
    Posts: 1


    I've recently bought a HDR Fox T2 and wanted to transfer some files from my old PVR9200T. I copied a .ts file onto my PC using Media Controller and then used FTP to copy it onto the new box. This seemed to work fine, but when I play the file it doesn't allow me to fast forward. I can skip and I can get up the time bar and move that way.

    Can anyone help?

    | Mon 3 Dec 2012 8:47:01 #1 |
  2. athomson


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    Posts: 125


    I think the T2 writes a few data files with each video recording and they contain things like bookmarks and timing info. It looks like the T2 relies on these to do FFWD/FREW.


    | Mon 3 Dec 2012 9:08:20 #2 |
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    Use av2hdr for the fox t2 to generate the necessary.

    | Mon 3 Dec 2012 9:15:48 #3 |

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