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Cannot get BBC Iplayer

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    Joined: Nov '23
    Posts: 1


    We have a HDR1800T and a Sony KDL32P30xx. The telly is old but very good picture. Is its age the reason it we now cannot get Iplay.? Alternatively, is it a pairing problem? Perhaps it needs new software? Why doesn't Humax update the software remotely? Should We buy a new television with Iplayer installed and just use the Humax to record things?

    | Tue 28 Nov 2023 9:55:14 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hinch - 46 mins ago  » 
    We have a HDR1800T and a Sony KDL32P30xx. The telly is old but very good picture. Is its age the reason it we now cannot get Iplay.? Alternatively, is it a pairing problem? Perhaps it needs new software? Why doesn't Humax update the software remotely? Should We buy a new television with Iplayer installed and just use the Humax to record things?

    The iPlayer app is produced by the BBC and I think they make the decisions about what devices are supported. According to the BBC web site the HDS-2000T is no longer supported. If you are happy with the HDR-2000T as a PVR and the Sony as TV then the best solution might be to buy a basic Amazon Firestick (currently on offer for less than £25 to give you a range of streaming channels including iPlayer and ITVX.

    | Tue 28 Nov 2023 11:09:19 #2 |

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