My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Cannot receive live TV 5000T

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    Joined: Nov '20
    Posts: 1


    My Mum has a Humax FVP 5000T that has worked without issue for a number of years. It has recently stopped receiving live TV channels with the programme guide showing no listings. As a test I connected the aerial directly to the TV and all live channels can be seen and viewed. I assume the problem lies with the Humax if we can view via the tuner in the TV. All recorded programmes can still be viewed. I have checked that the latest firmware is installed.
    Has anyone come across this problem?
    Many thanks

    | Sun 8 Nov 2020 9:08:17 #1 |
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    Joined: Dec '18
    Posts: 39


    Try switching it off at the mains for a couple of minutes and see if that sorts it.

    | Sun 8 Nov 2020 19:02:22 #2 |

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