My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

cannot record properly

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    mudge 436

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    I changed from a PVR 9300T to a new FVP 4000T- ITb in December.My first impressions were very mixed- really disappointing method of operation compared to the 9300T. Every action was clumsy and needs at least twice as many steps to execute. Just deleting a recording takes 4 actions for each recording date! The programme pictures are so unnecessary- a list of recordings is all that is needed. Why have we gone from simplicity to clunkiness? My second comment is more positive- delight at the ease of catchup on demand using wifi and the smooth operation.

    Using on demand is fortunately good, because its now the only way I can reliably watch programmes. For the last 6 weeks or so my 4000T has stopped reliably recording. I usually get a warning message followed by pixellation and in addition the programmes are starting 3-5 mins late. I have a Sony Bravia TV and the aerial was fed to the PVR first and then to the TV. I'm using HDMI. I've now changed to a different (Samsung) set which has a different external aerial but this is no better, which makes me think its a PVR fault not a signal fault. The signal strength is 80% and the quality is shown as 100%.
    If noone can help I shall return the PVR and go for a Panasonic instead.

    | Wed 20 Apr 2016 9:35:23 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Hi welcome to our forum. Do you have programmes in your epg with logical channel numbers of 800 and over. This is caused by auto tuning finding more than one transmitter, and is the most common cause of recording issues like you describe on many Humax (and other pvrs).

    This post should help you to identify just how the problem arises if you do in fact have this issue.

    | Wed 20 Apr 2016 11:00:35 #2 |
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    mudge 436

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    Hi, thanks for the welcome and for your reply. I have checked the channels using Settings / Channel Settings / Edit Channels. I have 136 channels on the PVR and none are numbered in the 800 series and above. There does not appear to be any duplication in the channel description. I've also checked directly on the TV and while there are more channels available, none are in the 800 series.

    | Wed 20 Apr 2016 14:58:02 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Intrigued why you have more channels on the TV than the box. One thing to try is a signal attenuator on the box input. It's possible you have too high a signal for the box tuners.

    | Wed 20 Apr 2016 16:48:07 #4 |
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    mudge 436 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have checked the channels using Settings / Channel Settings / Edit Channels. I have 136 channels on the PVR and none are numbered in the 800 series and above. There does not appear to be any duplication in the channel description.

    Not having more than just the regional channels in the 800 range can still mean that you are tuned to more than 1 transmitter and that your FVP-4000T is then getting confused between the two.

    An example where this is the case is the HDR-2000T. The FVP-4000T may well be similar.
    I receive from 2 transmitters. If I auto tune on the HDR-2000T then select the region which happens to have the highest frequencies it only store channels from that region for the multiplex that has regional channels - all other channels are stored from the other region.

    The FVP-4000T could be similar or a variation of the same.

    To manually retune see Martin's tuning instructions for the HDR-FOX T2:

    It is a bit of a pain the first time you tune manually to just 1 transmitter but it saves a lot of talking around the subject for something that so often fixes the situation on Humax freeview boxes.

    | Wed 20 Apr 2016 16:55:16 #5 |
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    mudge 436

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    Graham and Luke,
    Thanks for your suggestions. I will try Luke's suggestion to manually tune first - intuitively it feels wrong to have to attenuate the signal for an expensive item which should be designed to plug in and go. Martins tuning instructions don't seem to be beyond my limited tech awareness - I appear to have the best coverage from Winter Hill and from Moel y Parc so maybe it's selected from both, although the bearings are radically different. I assume any channels carrying the HD Mux are described as HD. Signing off in hope___

    | Wed 20 Apr 2016 18:58:52 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    mudge 436 - 6 minutes ago  » 
    Graham and Luke,
    Thanks for your suggestions. I will try Luke's suggestion to manually tune first - intuitively it feels wrong to have to attenuate the signal for an expensive item which should be designed to plug in and go.

    Your intuition is incorrect. Tuner design is a compromise. If you make the tuners sensitive so they work with a weak signal, the compromise is the ability to work with strong signals without overloading is reduced. It's very much cheaper and easier to fit a cheap signal attenuator in high signal areas than it is to amplify weak signals (plus the noise) in a fringe area. In extreme cases down to the extreme distortion produced by signal clipping the signal looks to be low even though it's far too high for the kit.


    | Wed 20 Apr 2016 19:12:56 #7 |
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    Will be interested to hear how you get on. Humax have changed my box three times now but can not get to the bottom of the corrupt recordings and late starts. Have tried all the suggestions including manual tuning, attenuation etc but so far no success. If I set auto pad the box varies between padding correctly and starting on time (i.e. not padding)

    | Fri 6 May 2016 19:23:23 #8 |

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