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Can't copy to USB

(13 posts)
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    I've plugged numerous exernal drives and USB sticks into my FOXSAT HDR and while the drive is recognised and I can see files and directories on it, I can't copy any recordings to it. The Copy option is disabled in the file manager.
    Does anyone know why this is?


    | Thu 14 Jul 2011 7:40:07 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to the Forum

    From the description you have posted it sounds as if the HDD's you are connecting are not formatted for file transfer, and are NTFS I presume, as you can read the contents.

    HDD's connected via usb have to be formatted as Fat 32 (for transfer of files less then 4Gb in size) or ext3 for larger transfers.

    If you can confirm the file format of the drives you are attempting to use, then one of us can take it form there.

    | Thu 14 Jul 2011 8:19:46 #2 |
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    Ah, that would explain it - mine are all NTFS. I'll look into the ext3 format as I will be needing files of > 4GB in size.


    | Thu 14 Jul 2011 8:23:58 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Barry do Foxsat-hdrs now read NTFS like the Freeview hdrs ?

    | Thu 14 Jul 2011 8:48:43 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    grahamlthompson - 8 minutes ago  » 
    Barry do Foxsat-hdrs now read NTFS like the Freeview hdrs ?

    Thought they always did, though I stand to be corrected, easilly confused nowadays, so much going on


    Sorry my mistake

    Apologises to the OP, whilst we got to the root of the problem, it was more by luck then judgement.

    | Thu 14 Jul 2011 8:58:05 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    That's a shame it would be handy at times.

    No read and write are the same and afaik are FAT and EXT3 nothing else.

    As the OP can see the drive presumably it's FAT32 so just opening the usb drive icon should enable copying by moving to it and pressing OK (Max 4GB of course)

    | Thu 14 Jul 2011 10:05:12 #6 |
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    I don't know if anyone else uses this, but I've found a free app for Windows (which I run in Parallels on my Mac) that has a nice ext3 formatter in it.

    Partition Tool

    Its a nice simple solution.

    | Fri 15 Jul 2011 11:01:39 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Bermudabob - 1 hour ago  » 
    I don't know if anyone else uses this, but I've found a free app for Windows (which I run in Parallels on my Mac) that has a nice ext3 formatter in it.
    Partition Tool
    Its a nice simple solution.

    Easeus partition manager is also very simple for Windows users

    | Fri 15 Jul 2011 12:42:38 #8 |
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    Joined: Mar '11
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    Have failed to copy a short video clip (6 minutes)to my 4GB USB stick - stick is formatted to FAT32 (Copy button unavailable). Does anyone have an suggestions? Thanks.

    | Mon 8 Aug 2011 10:55:36 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    machiavelli - 51 minutes ago  » 
    Have failed to copy a short video clip (6 minutes)to my 4GB USB stick - stick is formatted to FAT32 (Copy button unavailable). Does anyone have an suggestions? Thanks.

    You have to open the usb drive to it's root folder by clicking OK on it in file manager. Now when you highlight a file in the left pane the copy option should be enabled

    Welcome to the forum

    | Mon 8 Aug 2011 11:48:04 #10 |

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