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Can't copy to USB

(13 posts)
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    Mission accomplished!
    Many thanks

    | Mon 8 Aug 2011 15:01:12 #11 |
  2. gomezz


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    Bermudabob - 4 months ago  » 
    I don't know if anyone else uses this, but I've found a free app for Windows (which I run in Parallels on my Mac) that has a nice ext3 formatter in it.
    Partition Tool
    Its a nice simple solution.

    Just installed this on my Windows Vista 32 laptop to reformat as EXT3 an old 400GB USB hard drive I had laying around doing nothing. Recognised by my Foxsat HDR and currently copying over some recordings so I can free up space on its inbuilt small 320GB.

    | Wed 30 Nov 2011 11:40:35 #12 |
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    machiavelli - 7 months ago  » 
    Have failed to copy a short video clip (6 minutes)to my 4GB USB stick - stick is formatted to FAT32 (Copy button unavailable). Does anyone have an suggestions? Thanks.

    Hi your usb drive may be write protected.To remove write protection you can follow this

    1.Open a new note pad file.

    2.Copy this

    reg add “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies” /t Reg_dword /v

    WriteProtect /f /d 0 it as DISABLEWP.BAT

    4.Then copy it to start up folder.

    When you insert a pendrive it remove write protection.

    Or simply use some software that helps to fix this kind of error.

    | Tue 20 Mar 2012 10:27:13 #13 |

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