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Channel 4 HD Channel 126 not able to receive

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    special member
    Joined: Dec '13
    Posts: 374


    Good afternoon,

    I'm trying to remember how to add newer channels on my Foxsat PVR. Not used the box for a while now I know about the Raydon's customised software, I have used this in the past without problems. Managed to configure non freesat & also hide channels. A great tool to use.

    I have done a retune but channel 126 is not appearing on EPG or even on the Raydon webpage channel list. The puzzle is that my Humax 1100S was able to get channel 126 automatically recently added to EPG, so I assume that the Foxsat either is older technology 1st generation or the firmware/box needs a factory reset. Has anyone else had same problem/any suggestions? John L

    | Fri 4 Feb 2022 16:36:36 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Dec '13
    Posts: 374


    Solved! In case anyone else wants to know, I did a factory reset and then totally retuned channels again. Then updated the channels on my raydon webpage channel editor. The factory reset doesn't override the raydon customised firmware. Glad I got it sorted, not sure why new channels had not retuned correctly when I did a scan of channels. At least the newer boxes automatically scan overnight. John L

    | Fri 4 Feb 2022 21:00:12 #2 |

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