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Channel 5 is Red ?

(6 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    Anyone know why Channel 5 is Red in list mode on my Foxsat-hdr ?

    Is it clever enough to read the channels balance sheet ?

    Is it just my box or perhaps a side effect of the custom firmware ?

    Just curious

    | Fri 29 Jun 2012 13:10:36 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Looks normal to me on standard firmware.

    | Fri 29 Jun 2012 13:21:16 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Barry - 5 minutes ago  » 
    Looks normal to me on standard firmware.

    Thanks Barry most likely the custom channel list then. I will ask in the custom firmware thread.

    | Fri 29 Jun 2012 13:28:05 #3 |


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    Hi Graham - I presume you refer to ehe Humax UI - it looks normal to me - the text on the right of the screen appears very very dark red however on whatever is the currently selected channel.

    Using custom firmware as well but don't see how the custom firmware could change the Humax UI - except perhaps if the behaviour was built into settop depending on a channel attribute.

    | Fri 29 Jun 2012 13:38:42 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    REPASSAC - 13 minutes ago  » 
    Hi Graham - I presume you refer to ehe Humax UI - it looks normal to me - the text on the right of the screen appears very very dark red however on whatever is the currently selected channel.
    Using custom firmware as well but don't see how the custom firmware could change the Humax UI - except perhaps if the behaviour was built into settop depending on a channel attribute.

    I will grab a photo, it's most odd

    Blow me down it's now back to normal - Only noticed as I was checking yesterdays changes. The 105 was a definite RED.

    | Fri 29 Jun 2012 13:52:56 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Gaseous Clay has the answer

    Channels you are recording are Red in the channel list. Glad I'm not losing me marbles

    | Fri 29 Jun 2012 15:31:03 #6 |

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