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Channel conflict when recording

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    Having replaced my PVR-9200T which I could record two channels AND watch a different channel with occasional channel conflict my new HDR 2000T almost every time I record a program it will not allow me to change channels stating, cannot change channels when recording, and if I put the HDR on standby then I have to fiddle about changing the source on the tv to watch the program I want. Is it right that you have less features on the "NEW" box from the old one????

    | Mon 16 Feb 2015 14:37:00 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    darcytt - 2 minutes ago  » 
    Having replaced my PVR-9200T which I could record two channels AND watch a different channel with occasional channel conflict my new HDR 2000T almost every time I record a program it will not allow me to change channels stating, cannot change channels when recording,

    The HDR-2000T has exactly the same functionality as the 9200T in this respect. How exactly are you trying to change channels?

    | Mon 16 Feb 2015 14:40:28 #2 |
  3. Gort


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    darcytt - 1 hour ago  » 
    Having replaced my PVR-9200T which I could record two channels AND watch a different channel with occasional channel conflict my new HDR 2000T almost every time I record a program it will not allow me to change channels stating, cannot change channels when recording, and if I put the HDR on standby then I have to fiddle about changing the source on the tv to watch the program I want. Is it right that you have less features on the "NEW" box from the old one????

    I've replaced a 9200t with an HDR-1800t (cut down version of the 2000t, but basically has the same recording features), and can say that you can record two programmes at once and watch another selectable channel that's on the two muxes that you're recording from. Unlike the 9200t, the Guide feature doesn't highlight the channels you can watch while recording two programmes, but if you click on the OK button or List, then the channels you can watch will be highlighted.

    The lack of highlighting on the Guide, though, is disappointing, as I never really use the OK or List feature, relying on the Guide at all times, which is more informative than List. Still, it's a work-around.

    | Mon 16 Feb 2015 16:08:37 #3 |
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    I try to change channels with the number pad??? The number of channels you can watch when recording is so limited that it is hardly worth having the system- if I record itv3 then I cannot watch any bbd channels the same for most other channels except within the bbc group. I don't want to search for what is available I want to watch my choice which 98% of the time I could with the 9200T???

    | Mon 16 Feb 2015 16:39:30 #4 |
  5. Gort


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    darcytt - 44 minutes ago  » 
    I try to change channels with the number pad??? The number of channels you can watch when recording is so limited that it is hardly worth having the system- if I record itv3 then I cannot watch any bbd channels the same for most other channels except within the bbc group. I don't want to search for what is available I want to watch my choice which 98% of the time I could with the 9200T???

    There is no difference between the 9200t and the 2000t when recording two programmes at the same time. The same restrictions apply to both.

    One thing I did recently was record one programme on Channel Four and also one programme on BBC2. I then found out that I couldn't watch BBC4, which was odd. I then discovered that I had chosen to record on the HD version of BBC2 by accident, which explained why I was being restricted beyond what I expected (I tend to watch on HD, if I can, but record on SD). Is it possible that your second recording was on the HD channels, which meant that you could only watch a few of the SD channels and some HD channels? That'd be one explanation for such a restricted choice.

    Another thing, I suppose, could be that your box wasn't tuned into some of the muxes; when you first set it up, maybe it didn't find all the channels. When you're not recording, can you view all of the available channels?

    | Mon 16 Feb 2015 17:34:27 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    darcytt - 1 hour ago  » 
    I try to change channels with the number pad??? The number of channels you can watch when recording is so limited that it is hardly worth having the system- if I record itv3 then I cannot watch any bbd channels the same for most other channels except within the bbc group.

    I assume you are recording something other than ITV3 at the same time? I will say again the choice of channels available when recording is exactly the same as the 9200.

    | Mon 16 Feb 2015 17:47:42 #6 |

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