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Clicking noise going in and out of apps

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    Joined: Jul '21
    Posts: 1


    Hello. I have a problem - my DTR T2000 youview box makes what I can only describe as an electronic clicking sound when starting or stopping playing programme in an app (eg BBC iP or Netflix). Have changed HDMI lead to no effect. Definitely due to box as does not happen if I access same apps (e.g. BBC iP & Netflix) direct through Panasonic TV.

    Difficult to pin it down but I think it started happening for me when there was an update not long ago which changed the presentation on-screen of youview menus etc. which suggests a software problem but mine says it is up to date.

    This problem does not seem to feature on this forum but does on BT Community in relation to BT boxes which are essential same thing. Is Humax working on a fix for this yet?

    | Tue 27 Jul 2021 16:25:58 #1 |

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