My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Clock change to BST

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    Robert Payne

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    I purchased an HDR 2000T about three months ago and have had no problems. I have a weekly recording programmed from 0700 to 0800 every Sunday morning to record BBC One's Breakfast programme (so that I can fast forward through the boring bits when I get up). However on attempting to watch my recording this morning, it had recorded only about 30 seconds and the clock on the machine only went forward when I switched the unit on at around 0759. Previous hard disk recorders that I have owned (a Panasonic and a Toshiba) all dealt with the clock change without any problem. Presumably they must performed some sort of clock check in the early hours of the morning. Obviously this is a very minor problem and next year I will just set my recording an hour earlier but I was just wondering whether the 2000T is meant to do a clock change during the night and if there is a setting I need to alter.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 9:36:17 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Always a good idea to force an early Sunday wakeup of a PVR after the clocks change before the first recording of the day is due.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 12:32:23 #2 |
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    Robert Payne

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    Although I didn't mention it in my original post, I thought the clock change might have been a problem so I had actually set BBC One to record from 0500 to 0501 this morning (I had got in the habit of doing this when I was using a Sagem Freeview recorder a few years ago which needed this as a wakeup call for the clock change) but perhaps one minute was not long enough for the clock change to be recognised. This 0500 recording did take place this morning but actually recorded the first minute of the Breakfast programme when it started at 0600!

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 13:32:56 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Robert Payne - 2 minutes ago  » 
    Although I didn't mention it in my original post, I thought the clock change might have been a problem so I had actually set BBC One to record from 0500 to 0501 this morning (I had got in the habit of doing this when I was using a Sagem Freeview recorder a few years ago which needed this as a wakeup call for the clock change) but perhaps one minute was not long enough for the clock change to be recognised. This 0500 recording did take place this morning but actually recorded the first minute of the Breakfast programme when it started at 0600!

    You don't have to set a recording to wake up the box.

    You can use a watch/reminder reservation or a daily power on/off timer.

    Suspect the clock didn't update because it was waking for a manual timer so would start recording on boot. A Accurate recording wakes the box 15 mins before it's due to start which is long enough to refresh the epg.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 13:37:22 #4 |
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    Robert Payne

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    OK, thanks for your replies.

    | Sun 26 Mar 2017 16:10:00 #5 |

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