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Configuring WiFi

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    I lost all my recordings on the hard disk when I did the factory re set. I actually had to format the disk as well which is why I lost the recordings.

    At least the box could see the dongle again.

    You can do the factory re set without formatting the disk. As far as I can tell you just lose personal settings and nothing else if you just do that.

    | Thu 7 Jul 2011 13:11:22 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Clive - 25 minutes ago  » 
    I lost all my recordings on the hard disk when I did the factory re set. I actually had to format the disk as well which is why I lost the recordings.

    What was it that made it necessary to format the disk?

    | Thu 7 Jul 2011 13:37:45 #12 |
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    My box kept crashing using the Internet radio. That's when the box could no longer see the dongle.

    Also something got corrupted during the crashes which made the playback of my recordings from that point on breakup quite badly and almost stop completely before started again, Also my hard drive started making weird rumbling noises which it hadn't done before the crashes.
    The factory re set plus hard drive format fixed all the problems.

    | Thu 7 Jul 2011 14:14:23 #13 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Thanks, that all makes sense.

    | Thu 7 Jul 2011 14:50:06 #14 |
  5. Trevor Wright

    Trevor Wright

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    One small further query.

    If you've started up the HDR from cold and press "TV Portal" it says the network is not active. So you go down to settings, into the page with your carefully crafted WiFi settings and hit "Apply". TV Portal is then happy.

    Maybe it will be fixed in the fullness of time but should TV Portal activate a non-active network on your behalf, or should there be a simple "Connect Network Yes/No" toggle somewhere.

    Or am I missing something...?

    | Thu 7 Jul 2011 14:59:45 #15 |
  6. Barry


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    Have only seen this message once on the HD unit connecting via WiFi, and that was with pressing the Portal button immediately after boot up - left it a few seconds longer to connect to network and all was OK.

    | Thu 7 Jul 2011 16:18:21 #16 |
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    Trevor Wright - 4 hours ago  » 
    One small further query.
    If you've started up the HDR from cold and press "TV Portal" it says the network is not active. So you go down to settings, into the page with your carefully crafted WiFi settings and hit "Apply". TV Portal is then happy.
    Maybe it will be fixed in the fullness of time but should TV Portal activate a non-active network on your behalf, or should there be a simple "Connect Network Yes/No" toggle somewhere.
    Or am I missing something...?

    My WiFi does not broadcast its SSID and I can confirm that you have to do an "Apply" to connect every time you start the HDR. If the SSID is being broadcast then the HDR will automatically reconnect on startup.

    Not sure if this is a bug or a feature?

    | Thu 7 Jul 2011 19:31:16 #17 |
  8. Trevor Wright

    Trevor Wright

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    gjw - 1 day ago  » 
    My WiFi does not broadcast its SSID and I can confirm that you have to do an "Apply" to connect every time you start the HDR. If the SSID is being broadcast then the HDR will automatically reconnect on startup.
    Not sure if this is a bug or a feature?

    Yes, my SSID is also not broadcast hence the non-automatic connection. I'd say it therefore needs a toggle option inside the Configuring WiFi page for "Automatic Connection Yes/No". Maybe Barry can pass this on to Humax. Thanks

    | Sat 9 Jul 2011 7:29:48 #18 |
  9. gomezz


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    Of course there is absolutely no reason to have your wi-fi network not broadcast its SSID apart from giving you a false sense of security and cause unnecessary problems for you.

    | Sat 9 Jul 2011 18:07:53 #19 |


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    If you want another level of security most routers let you also restrict access by mac address.

    | Sun 10 Jul 2011 6:59:15 #20 |

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