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Connect 1800T to wifi network

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    Read somewhere that Edimax N150 dongle EW-7711UAn V2 would work with the 1800T. It doesn't. Any others which DO work please.

    | Wed 6 May 2015 18:10:42 #1 |
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    Almost any with teh RT3070 chipset of if you are on up to date HDR1800T software also the RT5572 chipset.

    The only time I've seen your EW-7711UAn V2 in releation to Humax is in a list that describes it as NOT working where a RT3070 would. Hardly surprising as yours does not have the RT3070 chipset.

    | Wed 6 May 2015 19:38:31 #2 |
  3. MontysEvilTwin


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    The Edimax EW-7711UAN V1.0D works with the Humax. Well mostly, there was a spell a year or so ago when some non-compatible ones appeared but this was a transient (batch?) issue. The V2 version is not compatible.

    | Thu 7 May 2015 7:43:53 #3 |

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