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Connecting a VCR.

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    Pete P

    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 29


    I need to connect a VCR. My wife is a technophobic but can cope with a VCR and we interchange tapes between rooms and it works for us.I know I can record on the hard drive but that's not an option for my wife.
    Looking at the instruction manual, it shows a scart connection to the VCR and another scart connection to the TV. This I have tried but I only get a transmitted picture if the VCR is turned off, and I can't record on the VCR.
    Any ideas would be welcome please.

    | Thu 20 Feb 2014 16:11:32 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    The Foxsat-hdr has a vcr scart socket, connect that to the vcr scart socket. You will then need to connect the HDR TV scart to the TV and set it to output composite not RGB. Don't expect the vcr picture to be available on a hdmi connection to the TV. To record the hdr you need to select to record from the scart socket the hdr is connected to.

    To view the vcr on the TV there is a button marked source on the Foxsat-hdr remote (bottom left). If you select the scart socket on the TV that the hdr is connected to you should see it's pictures, pressing the source button will route the vcr to the TV via the Foxsat.

    | Thu 20 Feb 2014 16:24:20 #2 |
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    Pete P - 17 minutes ago  » I only get a transmitted picture if the VCR is turned off

    The remote control for the VCR will have a button for switching to the Foxsat. Look for a buttom marked 'AV', 'Source' or a box with an arrow going into it.

    Pete P - 17 minutes ago  » I can't record on the VCR.

    If you are using the VCR's timers you will need to set the 'channel' to the scart input.

    | Thu 20 Feb 2014 16:27:59 #3 |
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    Pete P

    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 29


    Thanks guys, I got it working upstairs ok by cabling as suggested and using the source button and changing from RGB. Now I have moved it downstairs, cabled to a different TV and cannot get the VCR to record. It plays recorded tapes ok., BUT I cannot remember how I made the change from RGB. Help please!

    | Sun 23 Feb 2014 12:37:17 #4 |
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    Pete P

    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 29


    Problem solved.

    | Sun 23 Feb 2014 20:31:18 #5 |

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