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Connection problems

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    I have been trying to connect my Humax2000T to the internet for 2 days now with no luck and was hoping someone could offer me some advice.

    With the ethernet cable connected to the router and Humax box, if I go to menu> system> internet settings> configure LAN, the IP address is correct, I click apply and it tells me it is connected. However, when I click TV Portal, I get the message "Humax STB only"

    Am I doing something blindingly obvious that is wrong?

    Any help appreciated

    | Thu 13 Feb 2014 22:30:16 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Daris - 17 minutes ago  » 
    With the ethernet cable connected to the router and Humax box, if I go to menu> system> internet settings> configure LAN, the IP address is correct, I click apply and it tells me it is connected. However, when I click TV Portal, I get the message "Humax STB only"

    I don't think you are doing anything obviously wrong. First thing to try is the old favourite of turning the Humax off, waiting until the hard drive has stopped spinning (which will take a while) and then removing the mains plug. Leave it for 5 minutes without power and then switch it on and see if it now works. If not tell us what values are displayed on the Humax for IP address, gateway and DNS. Also what make and model of router.

    | Thu 13 Feb 2014 22:51:48 #2 |
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    new member
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    Posts: 2


    Hi Martin

    A huge thank you for your reply. This worked brilliantly and I am very pleased.

    I now have a new problem connecting it to a new LG tv, the tv does not seem to recognise the box, should I just try the old turning it off and on again trick?!

    | Tue 18 Feb 2014 23:31:04 #3 |

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