My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Constant rebooting

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    Hi People,

    Just bought a humax FVP 4000T to use with a Sony Bravia KDL32WD752.

    I have an aerial input (which is boosted) into the FVP, wired Ethernet into FVP, and HDMI from FVP to the TV.

    The FVP set up works fine but then the box constantly reboots - the TV will work for 10 secs and then the picture will freeze and the FVP reboots this cycle goes on constantly.

    When I unplug the aerial though I obviously lose the picture on the TV the FVP stops rebooting so that I can do things like ensure the software is up to date and restore to factory defaults. Neither of these processes have solved the problem.

    I have to say this is ridiculous - you don't spend £200 on something that does not work. Does any one have any simple suggestions to make this work ? Also I presume I would be within my rights to get a full refund (bought from Argos).



    | Sat 15 Apr 2017 8:10:25 #1 |
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    I’ve only had my 4000T a couple of days and so far it’s been fine but I did find out within hours of turning it on that this machine does not like a strong signal on its aerial input.

    I found this out when the HD channels were stuttering every minute or so and some helpful posts on in this forum about this problem.

    As your problem seems to cure itself when you disconnect the aerial I would try an attenuator in the aerial lead to the 4000T or try by-passing the RF amp you have there.

    I cured mine by manually tuning the HD channels to another transmitter that just happens to be on the same line of sight but further away from me but that said I’m about to order a variable attenuator for mine so I can retune the box back to my local transmitter.

    | Sat 15 Apr 2017 8:44:11 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    As you have just bought it, don't waste time trying to diagnose the issue, take it back for exchange, something definitely amiss there.

    | Sat 15 Apr 2017 9:07:40 #3 |
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    Same I happening to me, I'm on my third box now having become a regular at the John Lewis returns counter. Just tried removing my aerial lead and sure enough everything but FreeView TV works fine, as soon as I plug the aerial in to the RF IN socket the box starts cycling on and off with no response to inputs from the remote. The previous box I had was exactly the same. My aerial is not boosted but I am only 20 miles from the transmitter so quite a strong signal. Do you think Humax could solve this with a software upgrade? I don't really want to start experimenting with attenuators.

    | Wed 19 Apr 2017 20:56:02 #4 |
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    Just in case anyone else has this problem - tried attenuating the signal up to -20db but no change. If there is any RF signal at all it seems the box goes into a rebooting cycle. I'm going to exchange it again but don't hold out much hope as this is already the second one I've had that behaves like this.

    | Wed 3 May 2017 20:12:26 #5 |

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