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Controlling Panasonic TV with Humax remote

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    junior member
    Joined: Nov '17
    Posts: 9


    Wow! Yep they have definitely improved things since my last Humax. Just bought the FVP-5000T.

    So far so good.

    Only thing I'm having issues with is getting the Humax remote to control the TV (panasonic viera et60). I've gone through the control codes and 3 of them acknowledge which allow the TV to be turned off and on. However apart from the AV button, nothing else controls the TV. Should the remote be able to control sound, channel up down etc. when the Panasonic is in normal TV mode and not on HDMI for the Humax box?

    | Wed 29 Nov 2017 14:45:56 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: May '17
    Posts: 160


    We have ur 5000t connected to a samsung TV. Using the source to the HDMI 1 port on the TV , then use the volume control on the TV remote to adjust the volume to your preference as the TV volume will govern everything on delivery .
    We leave the sound control on the Humax on Maximum as.
    Doing it this way, if you want to use the TV tuners instead of the Humax,
    It's done via the source button on the TV remote.
    Then whilst watching Live TV through the Humax we use the Humax control for everything other than the volume.
    But yes We do switch the TV and Humax on and off separately.

    | Wed 29 Nov 2017 15:29:34 #2 |
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    Joined: Nov '17
    Posts: 39


    I believe it is only intended to control Power and AV which have dedicated buttons. As far as I know there is no way to switch the remote to TV mode as you can with some other Humax remotes.

    | Wed 29 Nov 2017 15:33:07 #3 |

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