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Converting .ts files from HDR-FOX T2 - File Format Error

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    I've been trying to convert recordings from my HDR-FOX T2 to save on space, however they will not play in VLC or any other player nor convert. I'm using FTP to transfer them from the Hummy.
    I'm using AVS Video Converter and have been following the tutorials on this site. In all cases I get an error when loading the .ts file "file format error". I've tried...
    * Both Standard and HD content
    * Using Foxy to remove any copy protection

    Can anyone offer advice?

    | Thu 29 Dec 2011 8:06:25 #1 |
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    special member
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    Your FTPed files are still encrypted.
    The HDR-FOX-T2 unencrypts a non-protected file when copying from one hard drive to another but not if this is just through FTP. The drives have to be the internal drive or attached to one of the two USB ports either directly or through a USB hub. You need to unencrypt them before converting

    BTW: I was not sure if I should reply to this post. I suspect that the post will have get more help if the post had not refferred to any dubious actions.

    | Thu 29 Dec 2011 8:21:21 #2 |
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    Thanks. That was indeed the problem.
    Sorry for any

    dubious actions
    , I didn't realise that my actions could be viewed as dubious, but I'll consider modifying my world view in light of this
    Thanks again

    | Thu 29 Dec 2011 19:34:03 #3 |
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    Posts: 1


    Hi Folks,
    I have a Foxsat HDR and a Fox T2. I can output SD video to either a USB flash drive formatted in FAT or a USB Hard Drive formatted in EXT3. Any of these files will play on my PC and in the case of the Flash drive will also play on my Nexus 10 with the use of an OTG cable. What I cannot do is play files from the Foxsat on the Fox T2 or vice versa. If I convert files from either machine from .TS to .TS using AVS Video Converter then the converted files will play on either machine. It seems strange that a TS file from two machines from the same manufacturer are incompatible. If it were a case that the files were on HD I could understand it as these files normally have protection gut this is not the case with SD files as far as I am aware. Does anyone have any comments ?


    | Wed 16 Oct 2013 13:31:00 #4 |

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