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Cooling Fan when does it come on ?

(5 posts)
  1. tellboy


    Joined: Jan '13
    Posts: 32


    I have had the inevitable hard drive failure after almost 3 years and temporarily fitted an ordinary computer hard drive just to make sure it was that. It is working again and I have ordered a correct pipeline Seagate 1Tb hard drive to repair it correctly.
    My question is about the cooling fan which I understamd does not spin up until it is needed.
    Is this assumption correct and under what circumstances will it start up .
    Recording two programs and playing back another doesnt doesnt seem to need the fan but the drive is fairly warm. measured as varying between 39 to 43 degrees in contact with the hard drive case.
    How would I check the fan ? Thank You.

    | Wed 9 Dec 2015 14:45:27 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    tellboy - 1 hour ago  » 
    My question is about the cooling fan which I understamd does not spin up until it is needed.
    Is this assumption correct and under what circumstances will it start up .

    If the DTR is like other Humax boxes then the fan will spin when the hard drive temperature passes a threshold value (in the region of 50 C).

    Recording two programs and playing back another doesnt seem to need the fan but the drive is fairly warm. measured as varying between 39 to 43 degrees in contact with the hard drive case.

    Those temperature are perfectly acceptable; the Seagate drives I am familiar with have a SMART failure attribute at 55 C.

    How would I check the fan ? Thank You.

    If you can get the box hot enough then a small strip of paper near the fan outlet will tell you if there is air flow.

    | Wed 9 Dec 2015 16:03:11 #2 |
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    tellboy - 3 hours ago  » 
    Recording two programs and playing back another ... doesnt seem to need the fan but the drive is fairly warm.

    You can tax it more than that.

    Ensure that the two recordings being made are HD, then watch a third HD channel in chase play by first pausing it then press play. That way you are in effect recording 3 HD channels and playing back another. I'd allow as much as 40 minutes.

    Also, if more than one HD multiplex is available in your area, use different HD multiplexes for the recordings.

    | Wed 9 Dec 2015 17:59:55 #3 |


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    I believe the chipset is designed to record up to 5 programmes simultaneously on most Humax cit.

    | Wed 9 Dec 2015 18:08:49 #4 |
  5. tellboy


    Joined: Jan '13
    Posts: 32


    Thank you for all the replies. I am reassured and will fit the new drive. I guessed the fan didn't come on very often as after nearly 3 years there was no sign of dust on the external grill which there always was on early Humax models.

    | Wed 9 Dec 2015 19:10:32 #5 |

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