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Copy SD Recordings to USB

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    I am exasperated trying to copy sd programs from a 4000T to a USB stick. I achieve success about 30% of the time whether I try to copy an indivinual programme or a series of programmes. In the latter case some will record fully but most will only partly record.
    If I try to leave it copying overnight the stick becomes unreadable. (?Is it re-recording over itself) I then need to reformat the stick.

    How do I know when a recording has completed? I never try copying when programmes are due to record.

    How do I overcome programmes only patly recording? If I try to record a series of one hour programmes it seems hit and miss as to whether the individual programmes fully record or not.

    | Tue 4 Apr 2017 12:22:03 #1 |
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    I struggled with this. The FVP is pretty fussy from my experience yet some other users have no issues.
    If you can, format the stick using the FVP the downside is that it is NTFS and many other devices are still using FAT32.
    Otherwise try other sticks/cards. I had one stick which my unit always refused to perform a firmware update from.
    From memory the transfer tends to be a long while but not longer than the duration of the actual recording.
    When the circle thing stops rotating in the screen corner the transfer is complete. You can leave the recordings screen and return to check.

    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 11:48:56 #2 |
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    Eric31 - 23 hours ago  » 
    If I try to leave it copying overnight the stick becomes unreadable. (?Is it re-recording over itself)

    Possibly if it is a fake.

    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 12:03:38 #3 |

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