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Copy to External Hard Drive

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    Posts: 5



    Can anyone put me straight please, I’m thinking of buying a Humax FVP 5000T 1TB, is there any way of copying recordings from it onto another hard drive and back again.

    At the moment I have a Topfield 5800 pvr, if the hard drive on it gets a bit full I connect it to my PC and also connect a Seagate external hard drive to the PC.
    The connections are made with usb leads and through the medium of a software program called Antares I’m able to copy recordings from the Topfield onto the Seagate.
    When some space is freed up on the Topfield I then copy the recordings back onto the Topfield.

    Is there any way this can be done with the Humax FVP 5000T 1TB and if so can someone explain how to go about doing it, ie what type of leads would I need to make the connections and would I need any form of software on the PC in order to perform the task.

    Whilst what I’m asking may seem very elementary, I’m not really into computers or recorders so any help would be much appreciated.


    | Tue 2 Oct 2018 22:15:59 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Clive12 - 34 minutes ago  » 
    Is there any way this can be done with the Humax FVP 5000T 1TB and if so can someone explain how to go about doing it, ie what type of leads would I need to make the connections and would I need any form of software on the PC in order to perform the task.

    Yes there are lots of options for doing this; probably the easiest way is to connect the FVP-5000T to your router (either via WiFi or network) and copy recordings using the built in facilities of Windows. Alternatively you can plug your external hard drive into the USB port on the FVP-5000T and copy recordings to and from the external drive.

    | Tue 2 Oct 2018 22:55:58 #2 |

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