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Copying files

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    Hi. I've just bought a Microsoft Surface 2 tablet, which to my horror doesn't support Silverlight. Never mind, I thought, I can copy recordings from my Fox HDR T2 onto a USB, plug it in, and watch. Tried it, but it says the file (from Film 4) was encrypted in a code the software doesn't read.
    Is there a way to unencrypt recordings, or am I being native? Thanks in advance.

    | Sun 17 Nov 2013 9:50:51 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    scooby - 20 minutes ago  » 
    Is there a way to unencrypt recordings, or am I being native?

    HD or SD?

    | Sun 17 Nov 2013 10:12:17 #2 |
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    Currently film4 is SD and therefore will be decrypted by the HDR-FOX T2 when exporting to an external drive via USB.

    There is a small possibility that this process corrupted the file on export.
    Have you tried more than 1 file?

    Are you sure you are attempting to play the ts file and not one of the side car files which have different file extensions?

    Have you tried the ts file on a more traditional operating system to check they are OK? Try an alternative player like MPC-HC (Media Player Classic Home Cinema), or even VLC.

    What on your MS Surface 2 are you using to play the file? It could be that it does not support the ts file's codecs. The default player has a poor reputation for the breadth of what it can play.

    A version of VLC is expected very shortly to be available from the app store. It will be free and will not rely on the RT 8.1 codecs. Avoid anything which describes itself as VLC and charges as it will be a fake.

    | Sun 17 Nov 2013 12:17:45 #3 |
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    junior member
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    Thanks for the replies. The copied SD file plays on my laptop, but not on the Surface - it can't handle MPEGs, so there needs to be another stage, converting MPEGs to MP4. Tedious!
    That VLS sounds promising though. Will keep an eye out for it!

    | Mon 25 Nov 2013 9:12:39 #4 |

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