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Copy/Move recordings to External HDD

(33 posts)
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    Martin Liddle

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    crashcris - 11 mins ago  » 
    Did you not see my post #25 above? I’ve got it working, first on fat32 and now NTFS. Everything’s being moved to my new WD HDD.

    Sorry I missed it. Glad it worked in the end. From your description it sounds to me as though the hard drive was partitioned with a GPT scheme (which the Humax won't recognise) and WD helped you to format it with an MBR scheme. Glad you got it working in the end and that you have demonstrated that the WD drive is hardware compatible with the Humax. Do you have an impression of how long it took to copy recordings to the drive with an NTFs format?

    | Sat 20 Jul 2019 16:17:34 #31 |
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    What/who is Stormzy? Some sort of weather documentary?

    | Sun 21 Jul 2019 10:48:35 #32 |
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    Martin Liddle - 2 days ago  » 

    crashcris - 11 mins ago  » 
    Did you not see my post #25 above? I’ve got it working, first on fat32 and now NTFS. Everything’s being moved to my new WD HDD.

    Sorry I missed it. Glad it worked in the end. From your description it sounds to me as though the hard drive was partitioned with a GPT scheme (which the Humax won't recognise) and WD helped you to format it with an MBR scheme. Glad you got it working in the end and that you have demonstrated that the WD drive is hardware compatible with the Humax. Do you have an impression of how long it took to copy recordings to the drive with an NTFs format?

    Seems to be quicker. A 10 min 1080i programme took 5 mins. an hour long 1080p took less than 45 mins.

    | Mon 22 Jul 2019 18:15:12 #33 |

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