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Corrupt recordings

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    While checking the usability of a 2000T purchased yesterday I made a handful of recordings and exported some of them one at a time to an external HDD.
    Two of them took a bit longer for the process to die down than I was expecting. Which I thought was probably OK as I've already had a couple of periods when my remote control commands took 30-60 seconds to execute (similar to a 9200T on v21).

    But when I examined the content of the exiternal HDD the side car files had been exported but for just these two programmes the TS file was missing and obviously the 2000T could not play it from the HDD. Exporting these same 2 programmes a 2nd time resulted in the same thing happening.

    With the 2nd occurrence of this behaviour I made sure that the 2000T could still play the original version from its internal HDD and then tried to play it via LAN on an HDR-FOX. The HDR-FOX plays the other SD files OK via LAN but via LAN displays the non-exportable programme as a folder which when ‘opened’ is empty.

    On page 34 the User's Manual it states "However, video recordings cannot be copied to other storages".
    Are my symptoms and that statement linked?
    If it is then I am a bit puzzled as some of the video recordings did export OK and it doesn't explain why one of them could not be played via LAN using an HDR-FOX.

    | Sun 3 Nov 2013 12:57:32 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    I've only exported a handful of recordings so far, all were OK.

    Will try a larger batch later.

    | Sun 3 Nov 2013 13:23:15 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    18 programmes (2 x SD) majority in folders 3 one off's copied to ext HDD as a batch.

    Checked contents on PC all files as expected, all playback ok via 2000T.

    | Mon 4 Nov 2013 14:07:04 #3 |
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    I’ve returned to my (fat32) external drive to see if I could tell how they were started. And noticed something I hadn’t noticed yesterday.

    There was more than just the side car files that had been exported. Instead of the ts file there is a folder for each of the two recordings. The folders’ names are the same as the missing ts files should be.
    Within one folder there are 3 files:
    chunk.o (size 7 bytes) created 8:52:19
    chunk.1 (92,405,760 bytes) created 8:52:19
    chunk.2 (25,559,040 bytes) created 8:51:39

    The similar files for the other recording are:
    chunk.o (7 bytes) created 10:35:44
    chunk.1 (47,501,312 byte bytes) created 10:35:43

    If the files were the same on the 2000T’s internal disk then that accounts for why my Networked HDR-FOX T2 could see a folder but not play anything.

    Both recordings displayed as being 3 minutes long on the 2000T which is about right.
    The ‘chunk’ files are not playable on a PC.

    Both recordings were terminated manually.
    Neither were series link recordings.
    I cannot remember or tell if they second one was manually started or not. The very first one was manually started in time slip mode as I realised that the programme being broadcast would make excellent AD test data.
    Both recordings looked perfectly fine on the 2000T and played fine while on the 2000T.

    If I still had the 2000T the method I would use to try and look for the same corruption would to browse the 2000T recordings using a Networked HDR-FOX T2 looking for folders which are named with the format “<Title>_YYYYMMDD_HHMM.ts”.

    | Mon 4 Nov 2013 18:07:26 #4 |
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    I've been able to try a few more recordings. So far this corruption has occured on all, and only all, SD instant recordings. HD instant recordings exported to an external drive are played by the 2000T fine, but SD instant recordings exported do not.

    | Sat 26 Jul 2014 8:10:57 #5 |
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    I've brought this up with Humax themselves, and got no sense.
    It happens when you are watching something, rewind and start recording. The Humax just shows you the recording as normal, and it plays. But copy it to an external drive and you get a new folder, full of chunks of about 93Mb each. These won't play from the external drive, so effectively you've lost it. Very poor, actually.

    | Wed 29 Oct 2014 12:34:36 #6 |
  7. MontysEvilTwin


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    The problem is the calibre of the staff at Humax Customer Support. Some of them are knowledgeable and helpful, some are not. I don't know if it is due to individual failings, or a coherent strategy handed down by management, but if you report a problem it might be dealt with efficiently, you might be fobbed off with nonsense, or they might even deny that there is anything wrong. The slow EPG introduced in 1.03.xx versions of software for the HDR-FOX is a case in point: there was a lot of denial about this until eventually Humax were dragged kicking and screaming to conceding that it is a genuine problem (not fixed to date). I recently reported the laggy menus with iPlayer since the V4 update on the HDR-FOX and was met with flat denial: it was even claimed that the performance of the HDR-FOX is similar to the HDR-2000T in this respect. It isn't: try it yourself if you need convincing. A problem denied is not likely to be fixed.

    Anyone who has had the same problem reported in this thread could help by reporting it to Humax Customer Support. Weight of numbers might persuade them to recognise the issue and properly investigate it.

    | Wed 29 Oct 2014 15:00:29 #7 |

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