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Could not watch and record at the same time - why?

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    Posts: 5


    We have a LNB with 2 cables which are plugged into Line 1 IN and Line 2 IN on the back of the Humax Foxsat HDR. The cables and wall socket were recently installed by a professional dish fitter, and are new.

    Last night I tried to record Jools Holland on BBC HD and watch Shameless on Channel 4. It let me set the instant record for Jools Holland but then would not let me select Channel 4. Only a few channels were available for selection. I thought you only got this is you had a single cable? The only way I could get the missing channels back was to kill the recording.

    Can anyone pont me to an idiot's guide on how to test the 2 connections to the LNB and/or suggest what might be wrong?

    | Wed 5 Oct 2011 10:09:06 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,074


    Could be caused by:

    1. LNB cables connected to the wrong terminals on the HDR, quite easy to do if you do not concentrate.....easy to check they should be connected to the outer terminals of the three, the middle one being LNB out.

    2. Unit was set up as a single cable install, again easy to check

    Highlight Freesat Tune but do not press OK.
    Press Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Green, Yellow, Blue
    Highlight Antenna Setting press OK

    Connection Type should be - Two Cable(Same) - if it states single cable then carry out a Factory reset, and it should automatically find two cables....Note a factorty reset will delete your schedule so make a note of any timers you have set.

    | Wed 5 Oct 2011 10:38:41 #2 |
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    junior member
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    Posts: 5


    Thank-you Barry! The unit was indeed set to single cable install.

    | Wed 5 Oct 2011 12:47:47 #3 |

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