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Curzon Home Cinema

(11 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Now available via on demand menu.

    See how to use guide here:

    | Wed 28 May 2014 9:28:45 #1 |
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    I have no Curzon Home Cinema App at the moment in the demand section

    | Wed 28 May 2014 9:47:50 #2 |
  3. Davy


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    I just put it on and see they charge £4.99 for each movie, why not put Netflix on instead if they are charging ? Thought the point of Freesat was it was free? Is it possible to remove this useless app from my box?

    | Wed 28 May 2014 10:23:55 #3 |
  4. -gonzo-


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    Davy - 21 minutes ago  » 
    I just put it on and see they charge £4.99 for each movie, why not put Netflix on instead if they are charging ? Thought the point of Freesat was it was free? Is it possible to remove this useless app from my box?

    It's not a service like Netflix, they're priced between £1-£10 so no subscription, it's mainly independent cinema so your not going to see any big Hollywood blockbusters. Some movies you will be able to see at the same time as they're in the cinema which I believe cinema releases will be £10.
    In answer to your question, no you cannot remove the app from the box.
    And why not have Netflix instead? Well I guess you'd be better off asking Freesat that question.

    | Wed 28 May 2014 10:50:05 #4 |
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    It's on my box now but it just keeps crashing

    | Wed 28 May 2014 10:50:48 #5 |
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    all working now, overall view it might get better in time but I think they should of gone for Netflix or love film in my opinion

    | Wed 28 May 2014 11:26:43 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Anybody tried actually playing anything ?

    Interested to know if HD streaming is offered and 5.1 audio ?

    | Wed 28 May 2014 15:32:41 #7 |
  8. Barry


    senior admin
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    According to the FAQ in the link at # 1

    'Where possible, films will be streamed in HD. However, HD material is not always available and the quality of the stream is also dependent on customer’s bandwidth and available materials from the chosen film’s distributors'

    No mention of 5.1 in the FAQ.

    | Wed 28 May 2014 16:04:24 #8 |
  9. -gonzo-


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    Most of the films you'll find are available on Netflix, those that are not on UK Netflix you'll find them on other regions if you know how to access them.
    The only ones that are not are those found in the in cinemas now section.

    | Wed 28 May 2014 17:14:46 #9 |
  10. Davy


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    I watch the USA version of Netflix and it's 100 times better than the UK one, with Virgin already having it, thought it about time Freesat would as well instead of this.

    I did ask Freesat about it, but they said not at this time, usual answer from them...

    | Wed 28 May 2014 21:23:30 #10 |

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