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Default signal frequency

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    Is it possible to change the frequency that signal strength/quality is based on?

    | Mon 22 Aug 2022 12:09:09 #1 |
  2. Rodders53


    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 13


    Yes. It's the channel you are tuned to that is displayed S / Q.

    Tune to another channel to check that one via Diagnostics.

    | Mon 22 Aug 2022 15:15:36 #2 |
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    phil555 - 5 hours ago  » 
    Is it possible to change the frequency that signal strength/quality is based on?

    Apparently whether you can do that is not possible if you are using the freesat tune page, but is possible if you are using one of the other two methods of obtaining the signal strength/quality. Like Rodders stated, for the other two, (e.g. Diagnostics) you just watch a different channel.

    grahamlthompson - 10 years ago  » 
    The freesat tune page gives you the signal quality from the Freesat home transponder on Eurobird 1 (same as channel 999), The info gives you the same information from the transponder as the current channel you are viewing. Menu/System/diagnostics does the same for the same transponder you are using. The figures will vary depending which satellite you are currently viewing from and the individual transponder (and also with current weather conditions)
    If you want to check them all, download this .htm page and open in your browswer.
    Columns 1 - 4 show which transponders carry the Freesat channels (Col 4 shows which satellite transmits the transponder)
    Tune to 1 channel from each coloured group and check the signal strength and quality for each. You are looking for a pattern, for example problems with say EB1 and a specific polarisation. Look at col 5 xxH indicates horizontal polarisation, and xxV vertical polarisation. If a pattern is apparent we can indicate a likely alignment problem with your dish.

    | Mon 22 Aug 2022 17:43:39 #3 |
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    junior member
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    Thanks guys

    | Mon 22 Aug 2022 20:15:39 #4 |

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