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Delete scheduled rec but keep series link?

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    Am slowly getting to grips with my first ever Humax.(2000t)

    Something I can't see an option for...

    If I have scheduled a series record, and decide to delete one of those scheduled recordings, it cancels the whole series. On previous boxes I've had, when you try to delete from schedule they've always asked if you wanted to delete just that instance or the whole series.

    Am I missing an option? It's very useful when a channel doesn't distinguish between new episodes and repeats. For example, currently I'm watching Deadwood on CBS Action and they're showing new episodes on some nights and repeats on others but they're all begin captured by the series link.

    | Mon 19 Jan 2015 16:52:33 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    id2d - 23 minutes ago  » 
    Am I missing an option? It's very useful when a channel doesn't distinguish between new episodes and repeats. For example, currently I'm watching Deadwood on CBS Action and they're showing new episodes on some nights and repeats on others but they're all begin captured by the series link.

    No you aren't missing an option. The box is doing what it is mandated to do by the Freeview specifications. The problem lies with the particular channel. The major channels get it mostly right (but being human do make the occasional mistake); some minor channels make a pretty poor job of it.

    | Mon 19 Jan 2015 17:18:23 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle - 12 minutes ago  » 

    id2d - 23 minutes ago  » 
    Am I missing an option? It's very useful when a channel doesn't distinguish between new episodes and repeats. For example, currently I'm watching Deadwood on CBS Action and they're showing new episodes on some nights and repeats on others but they're all begin captured by the series link.

    No you aren't missing an option. The box is doing what it is mandated to do by the Freeview specifications. The problem lies with the particular channel. The major channels get it mostly right (but being human do make the occasional mistake); some minor channels make a pretty poor job of it.


    But I'm more interested in the ability to delete individual upcoming scheduled recordings without deleting the whole series link.

    Is that possible?

    Most the time it doesn't matter if the box just records repeat episodes since you can just delete them later, but sometimes it's very useful. Like when you see there's something you want to record but the box is already planning to record a repeat on that date.

    | Mon 19 Jan 2015 17:35:47 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    id2d - 49 minutes ago  » 
    But I'm more interested in the ability to delete individual upcoming scheduled recordings without deleting the whole series link.
    Is that possible?

    I thought I made it perfectly clear that it is not possible.

    | Mon 19 Jan 2015 18:26:05 #4 |
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    I thought I made it perfectly clear that it is not possible.


    When you said "No you aren't missing an option." and went onto talk about some channels making a poor job of the series link, I thought you were just replying to that point only and not the question about deleting a scheduled recording.

    | Mon 19 Jan 2015 23:06:45 #5 |

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