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Deleting one event from a series

(8 posts)
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    Please can someone advise me how to delete a single scheduled event from a series?
    I can go into the schedule, find the series I'm interested, go right (I don't want to delete the entire series), but if I then click on Blue (delete) against the forthcoming episode I don't want, I just get the not allowed symbol.

    For info, the episode I'm trying to delete is involved in a clash and is a repeat which I've seen so I'm happy to delete it.


    | Sun 12 Jan 2014 17:38:24 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Hi welcome to the forum. I don't think that's actually possible. Only way I can think of us delete the current series and replace with one off recordings until the episode you don't want has been aired (or is no longer in the epg if the broadcaster uses the same series crids for transmisions on more than 1 channel - CH5 do this).

    | Sun 12 Jan 2014 17:48:51 #2 |
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    Oh! Seems an odd omission, but that explains why I can't do it then. Thanks.

    | Sun 12 Jan 2014 18:06:08 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Jeddy - 28 minutes ago  » 
    Oh! Seems an odd omission, but that explains why I can't do it then. Thanks.

    The way the system works doesn't really make it very easy to do this, though it's possible. Have you tried finding the episode you don't want in the epg and seeing what happens if you try and delete just that one ? I think that works on the latest firmware for the G2 Freeview boxes. Can't get at my HDR FOX T2 at the moment or HDR1000S to check if it works on either box.

    Until the episode appears in the epg the box has no way of knowing which programme crid to ignore.

    | Sun 12 Jan 2014 18:43:20 #4 |
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    grahamlthompson - 29 minutes ago  » 

    Jeddy - 28 minutes ago  » 
    Oh! Seems an odd omission, but that explains why I can't do it then. Thanks.

    Have you tried finding the episode you don't want in the epg and seeing what happens if you try and delete just that one ?

    Yes, I've tried that, it only appears to work for individual recordings rather then events within a series. Thanks for the suggestion though.

    | Sun 12 Jan 2014 19:14:25 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Jeddy - 19 minutes ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 29 minutes ago  » 

    Jeddy - 28 minutes ago  » 
    Oh! Seems an odd omission, but that explains why I can't do it then. Thanks.

    Have you tried finding the episode you don't want in the epg and seeing what happens if you try and delete just that one ?

    Yes, I've tried that, it only appears to work for individual recordings rather then events within a series. Thanks for the suggestion though.

    No help to you I know (sorry) but anyone with a G2 Freesat box, selecting an individual episode in the epg has a delete episode option. Knew I had seen it somewhere

    | Sun 12 Jan 2014 19:36:08 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Having slept on the issue, there may be a way to record both. It will depend on the channels involved and the Mux they are on and you will have to be around to manually start the extra recording.

    If you go to the extra programme and try and set a reminder and it works then the following should work.

    The reminder will ensure you are tuned to the channel you want to record. When one of the two recordings completes that is stopping the recording being made back up the timeshift buffer to where the programme starts and press the record button.

    | Mon 13 Jan 2014 11:23:30 #7 |
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    grahamlthompson - 3 hours ago  » 
    Having slept on the issue, there may be a way to record both. It will depend on the channels involved and the Mux they are on and you will have to be around to manually start the extra recording.
    If you go to the extra programme and try and set a reminder and it works then the following should work.
    The reminder will ensure you are tuned to the channel you want to record. When one of the two recordings completes that is stopping the recording being made back up the timeshift buffer to where the programme starts and press the record button.

    Unfortunately my problem here is trying to record 3 events while I'm at work. One of the events is a repeat. I think all 3 events start at the same time (certainly two of them did including the repeat), so I can't be sure what is going to end up being recorded, if the failed recording is the repeat I don't care, if it is not the repeat I need to remove the repeat from the scheduled series somehow so the other non-repeat does get recorded.

    | Mon 13 Jan 2014 15:12:49 #8 |

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