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Deleting several recorded programmes from disk

(4 posts)
  1. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Posts: 3


    I know how to delete just one programme, but is there a way of marking several programmes for deletion, as there is on the 9300.

    | Sun 28 Feb 2016 13:49:37 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,075


    Welcome to our Forum

    Highlight a programme and press +

    Highlight select, press OK

    Highlight programmes to be deleted, press OK

    Press +, delete should be highlighted, press OK

    | Sun 28 Feb 2016 14:42:15 #2 |
  3. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Posts: 3


    Thanks, Barry.

    Not exactly intuitive, is it, and I wonder why Humax didn't think it would be a good idea to put it in the 'manual'!!!


    | Sun 28 Feb 2016 14:52:33 #3 |
  4. Stephenesque


    special member
    Joined: Nov '15
    Posts: 213


    Yes, thanks Barry; I'd never have worked that out myself.

    On the subject of deleting single programmes my 4000T behaves erratically. Unless it's something I think I'll watch again I tend to delete immediately an as a programme is finishing I press the 'stop' button.

    Usually this brings up the info screen and I just press 'down' to Delete this Episode' which is fine, but this doesn't always work; sometimes when I press 'stop' it just takes me to live TV. You'd think that Home>Recent>+>OK would do the trick, but no, whilst this implies that the programme has been deleted it is actually still there in recordings.

    Home>Recent>OK>down>OK appears to be the only way to delete immediately after watching.

    Unless there is another shortcut I am unaware of...

    | Sun 28 Feb 2016 16:34:15 #4 |

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