My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Difference between HDR-2000T & HDR-1800T

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    senior member
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    Can anyone explain the difference betweenn these 2 units apart from the HDD size?


    | Mon 8 Dec 2014 2:43:33 #1 |
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    special member
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    (1) Colour.

    (2) HDR-2000T has 2 USB ports, the HDR-1800T has 1 USB prt.

    (3) The HDR-2000T standard remote control has a dedicated button for switching the remote to TV mode and a dedicated button for switching the remote to PVR mode.
    The HDR-1800T standard remote does not have a TV mode. This frees a button for 'WIDE' and another button for 'TV/RADIO'.
    (Both units can use the other's remote.)

    The combined manual for the 1800T/2000T shows the layout of the HDR-2000T remote. For the layout of the HDR-1800T it erroneously repeats the diagram of the HDR-2000T remote's layout but the description appears to be correct.

    | Mon 8 Dec 2014 8:29:55 #2 |
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    senior member
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    OK Thanks Luke I already have the Freesat HDR 1000S and it has the new remote that works both TV and PVR, i'm sure i have read that i can alter the remote codes but i'll have to read up on that first.

    | Tue 9 Dec 2014 16:27:50 #3 |

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