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Disabling Time Shift Recording on Foxsat

(6 posts)
  1. black knight

    black knight

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    Posts: 100


    Does anyone know of a way to disable the time shift recording on the Foxsat HDR?

    On the HDR1000S there's a simple menu option, but nothing like that available on the Foxsat. I have the custom firmware installed, but again there doesn't seem to be an obvious way of doing it, but I'm sure some clever person must know!


    | Wed 31 Jul 2019 11:04:03 #1 |
  2. Trev


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    I don't think you can. But why would you want to?

    | Wed 31 Jul 2019 15:53:08 #2 |
  3. black knight

    black knight

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    I don't use it, and it saves wear on the disk.

    | Wed 31 Jul 2019 17:28:00 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    black knight - 25 mins ago  » 
    I don't use it, and it saves wear on the disk.

    The timeshift buffer file is a fixed location on the disk (it's actually a file called 0.ts). It does not in any way impact on recordings. It can actually be useful because 0.ts is not encrypted.

    If it happens to get corrupted simply rename it to something like 0.old.

    No good deleting it because the OS simply recreates it on a different area of the Hard Disk.

    My first generation Foxsat-HDR with a 1TB drive installed just after buying it still works despite being used every day.

    It has a neglible effect on HDD life.

    If you don't use it simply ignore it. Frankly being able to pause to answer the door bell or the phone is invaluable for a minute or so. I do though normally watch ITV in chasing playback because you can easily skip the ads.

    | Wed 31 Jul 2019 18:03:45 #4 |
  5. gomezz


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    black knight - 2 hours ago  » 
    I don't use it, and it saves wear on the disk.

    I agree with this line of thinking. Which is one reason I keep my old Digitalstream Freeview PVR running as that lets you do that and use it as just a non-PVR box if you wish.

    (my TV while HD Ready does not have a DVB-T2 capable tuner so no good for viewing HD channels directly)

    | Wed 31 Jul 2019 19:44:09 #5 |
  6. black knight

    black knight

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    Posts: 100


    I found a thread HERE, which claims it can be done in the same way as it's possible on the Fox T2 with the custom firmware installed.

    However there doesn't seem to be a 'web server diagnostics' page on the Foxsat custom firmware, so I'm unsure how it would be done in this instance.

    Can anyone make some sense of it and best describe how I'd go about doing this?


    | Thu 1 Aug 2019 8:45:06 #6 |

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