My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Driver needed for wifi dongle supplied with 2000T

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    Hi - I have just purchased the 2000T. Worked fine for a week but now just keeps going into the automatic update mode when turned on. Problem is I have not yet managed to connect to internet so it gets stuck in the update. I looked on here and found the override by pressing the down arrow... put the supplied USB dongle (WNA699U8N3) in the box and tried to connect to the internet but wifi is not recognised. (have tried a few times, powered off and on etc etc) Have now put the USB dongle in my laptop and downloaded the update version 1.01.13 to my laptop.... however the laptop wont recognese the USB stick so I cant transfer the download to that to get it into the digi box!!
    Can't find the drivers for the USB dongle for my laptop even after an internet search.. Help greatly appreciated!!
    Many thanks in advance!

    | Thu 3 Sep 2015 23:22:32 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Bee - 1 hour ago  » 
    Have now put the USB dongle in my laptop and downloaded the update version 1.01.13 to my laptop.... however the laptop wont recognese the USB stick so I cant transfer the download to that to get it into the digi box!!

    You need to find a USB stick that is recognised to apply the update or if you temporarily move the Humax somewhere where it can be connected to a router via a network cable then it should update automatically over the Internet.

    | Fri 4 Sep 2015 0:30:26 #2 |
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    Thank you for response...Hmm - so I've just tried my bog standard usb stick which the computer recognises and I downloaded update to that... put it in the digi box.... but how do I now get the digi box to find the update on the stick?? have tried looking through settings and found the USB stick visible but it doesn't give me an option to read it... have tried restarting the auto update but it is not doing anything different to before?
    Sorry if I'm being dim...
    my router is not within reach of the box or a tv so I would have to move the TV and box upstairs to do that (otherwise I wouldn't know if the update had worked or not) which is a bit too much of an upheaval!
    Thank you

    | Fri 4 Sep 2015 8:43:32 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    Did you unzip (extract) the software update file and instructions from the file you downloaded?

    | Fri 4 Sep 2015 9:06:42 #4 |
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    Hi! THank you for your replies - I have now sorted it ... I realised I had an old small TV I could move so I set that and the box up near the router, did the download over cable and finally it worked!! Hope that I don't have to do that very often though!! May be back on here if I have any other problems

    | Fri 4 Sep 2015 11:19:36 #5 |

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