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DTR 1010 will not complete maintenance mode

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    I have a DTR 1010 and it did the usual fault of staying on the splash screen (Nearly Ready)
    I have put it in maintenance mode umpteen times, It will go into the maintenance mode and allows you to choose Software update, factory reset etc. but if you try and do either of the internet reloads it instantly says Selected option failed and allows you back to the choices, Which means choosing Either the software update or the factory reset, but when you try either it will give you the message not to turn off as it will automatically restart, . It does not restart however, the screen goes black and it sits like that forever
    Any hints on how to get past this point (And perhaps getting it to follow through by a restart) would be much appreciated. I left it like that for about three hours while I was out in the hope it might complete but it never did.

    | Wed 9 Nov 2016 19:37:28 #1 |
  2. andyfras


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    I have one like this. I suspect that it is not seeing the disk correctly, so it cannot download files to it.

    Originally, the box was not coming out of standby, so I replaced the capacitors, which fixed that, but it's still a non-working box.

    | Thu 10 Nov 2016 16:31:01 #2 |
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    Thanks for the reply, I have in fact tried two 1TB drives and one %00GB and all had passed the Seatools for Windows test as perfect both on SMART and Long Generic tests, so I do not think that is an issue and also the 1TB drives that operated correctly in other DTR 1010s, I bought 4 faulty 1010s and the other three are up and running after a software reset and they supplied the hard drives for this faulty one and the drives are working fine returned to the fixed ones.
    I originally thought it might be the hard drive so I opened it up and tried the other three one after the other.
    On software reset it takes about the same Time the as other three before it closes down to restart, so I suppose it is possible that it cannot find the hard drive, I have had that problem , usually with Humax Freesat units, anyway thanks for the suggestions and if anyone can suggest any means of finding out if the machine is detecting the hard drive It would be appreciated, I can see no way of doing so until the machine starts
    Boyd (mactoshb)
    PS out of curiosity andyfras have you tried a spare hard drive?

    | Thu 10 Nov 2016 18:43:17 #3 |
  4. andyfras


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    Sorry, I wasn't suggesting that the drive was faulty, it's just that the DTR is not recognising it correctly. I have tried several drives.

    I have a suspicion that the firmware is corrupted which prevents the disk from being initialised during boot up. If there was some way to reload the firmware via USB, it would probably be fixable.

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 8:39:21 #4 |
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    Thanks for that, I think you are right about the firmware, fortunately Humax has corrected the lack of USB updates etc in later models, I cant help wondering if they could not retro fit it to the 1000 and 1010, The socket is there after all, I have about six machines that do not respond to any attempts to start them, even after changing the capacitors and it can only be firmware problems. instead of which they will be shortly going to my local recycling dump.

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 12:41:28 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Please read PM's

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 14:39:34 #6 |
  7. MontysEvilTwin


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    Can later models of Humax Youview box be updated by USB then? That would be really handy for the DTR-1000.

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 18:42:14 #7 |
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    Sorry, I think I may have misled you there, When I mentioned later models I was referring to the likes of other Humax models such as the, FVP models such as the Fox T2, 2000T and several others. I know of no way to do updates using the USB socket on the DTR models, I may be wrong but I have never heard of anyone doing it with the DTR models.
    The HDR models do not seem to use the youview system, just the Freeview system which I think is not nearly as good as YouView, but what do I know?

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 19:19:04 #8 |

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