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DTR-T2000 Live TV not working

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    Hi all,

    I'm having a problem with my Humax DTR-T2000 where I can't watch live TV, but only the HD channels are affected. It's been happening for at least the last 24 hours.

    I've tried searching for this problem, but can't find anything relevant (the only things I did find say to restart the box, but that hasn't worked for me), so hopefully someone here will have had this and can help...

    If I go on to a channel (say BBC1, but same for all HD channels), it's just a black screen and no sound. If I leave it on the black screen to buffer for 30 seconds or so and then jump back 15 seconds, it shows it fine and continues to do so for as long as I watch the channel 'on delay' - no pixelating or anything, it shows perfectly. The problem returns if I go back to live or change channel. So it is clearly getting the signal but just won't play it live. Recordings on these channels fail to record as well.

    I have tried retuning the channels and also completely powering down the box for a few minutes and restarting (power unplugged), neither have solved it. The TV Signal Quality menu shows these channels as having both Signal Strength and Signal Quality as 100%.

    I am on the Whitehawk transmitter in the South East, although I don't think it's relevant because as I say, the signal seems to be fine (the same channels on the TV work fine, it's just the Humax that seems to be having this problem).

    Thanks in advance for any ideas or advice that anyone has, much appreciated.

    | Wed 5 Jul 2023 12:44:37 #1 |
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    special member
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    Hello Launcher,

    Welcome to the forum. I would try unplugging the aerial from your Youview box and then retune again without aerial lead. This will find nil channels, but will clear channel memory. Then replug aerial and then retune again. See if this resolves your problem. Please let forum know how you get on and if still a fault, we can help you further. The Youview box hopefully will still keep your channel schedules, as these are stored on cloud server by Youview. Worth checking afterwards, as they start gradually reloading on the tile screen. John L

    | Wed 5 Jul 2023 13:34:38 #2 |
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    Hi jdlfreetime,

    Many thanks for the welcome and the suggestion.... it's working!

    Now, strangely when I turned it on to do your suggestion, it was working albeit juddering. So maybe it was on its way to sorting itself anyway, but after your suggestion it is working perfectly, so I can only assume that's solved it.

    Hopefully this thread will help anyone who gets the same thing in the future.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to help, hugely appreciated.


    | Wed 5 Jul 2023 14:24:56 #3 |
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    special member
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    Hi Launcher, glad it hopefully solved problem!

    I was one of Youview's trialists on Youview community forum before it closed recently. Know the software very well. You should see your record schedules all reappear automatically. One of the great designs of this box.

    John L

    | Wed 5 Jul 2023 16:09:16 #4 |
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    Hi John,

    Yes, it's a good box - I got my mum a newer Humax recently, and I'd say it's nowhere near as good as my older one. I'm on my 2nd or 3rd.

    Yeah, the record schedules are all there still. Good news.

    Anyway, great to be able to get help here from someone who knows the software so well. Thanks again!


    | Wed 5 Jul 2023 16:47:57 #5 |
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    Hi Launcher,

    Really pleased you got it working again. Must have been a glitch in channels. It does happen with most pvrs. There's many other "superusers" inc. myself from the Youview forum that are on various forums inc. my Humax. The Youview box is indeed an interesting box, with many pros and cons. The software is still in development stage since nextgen came along. Have fun! John L

    | Wed 5 Jul 2023 17:53:17 #6 |
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    Thanks John.

    | Thu 6 Jul 2023 22:54:06 #7 |

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