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DTR-T2000 - Unable to DELETE recordings

(3 posts)
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    junior member
    Joined: Sep '15
    Posts: 5


    Having got the box yesterday this may just be me not being familiar enough with it yet. I made a few recordings yesterday (some partial). I can view the list under MyView and the little blue button bottom right appears when I select one, indicating I press blue to delete. But it does nothing ?

    Yellow works to lock it and unlock it (confirmed it's not locked before trying to delete). Auto-Delete is ON, but I've also tried turning that OFF - made no difference. Confirm Delete is also off.

    How do I delete recordings please ?

    | Tue 22 Sep 2015 11:40:13 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
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    Posts: 948


    The "little blue button bottom right" is actually saying DELwhich means press the Delete button which is at bottom right of the remote control.

    | Tue 22 Sep 2015 11:47:30 #2 |
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    junior member
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    Posts: 5


    gomezz - 7 minutes ago  » 
    The "little blue button bottom right" is actually saying DELwhich means press the Delete button which is at bottom right of the remote control.

    Thanks - so easy when you know how. You can see my confusion though - alongside the Green and Yellow buttons. Thanks for the pointer.

    | Tue 22 Sep 2015 11:55:37 #3 |

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