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ext3 on memory stick

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    I want to transfer a file over 4gb to a 16 gb memory stick. I formatted the device as ext3 and transferred the file to it but windows 7 says it needs formatting and will not read it. There must be a simpler way of transferring large files to my computer


    | Wed 1 Aug 2012 21:26:57 #1 |
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    special member
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    To answer your question - quoting a post on by grahamlthompson:

    EXT2FSD allows EXT3 volumes to be read/write in Win 7 (and XP)

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    | Thu 2 Aug 2012 6:20:15 #2 |
  3. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    jrbmaclachlan : there must be a simpler way of transferring large files to my computer

    There is, FTP them to your P.C. If you need your Standard Def. files to be playable on the P.C. FTP them from the USB drive as all files on the internal hard disk are encrypted. Also EXT3 is not recommended for USB flash devices because they are constantly being written to, use EXT2 instead

    | Thu 2 Aug 2012 14:10:10 #3 |
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    junior member
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    Thank you Luke. Not an intuitive answer but it works!

    | Thu 2 Aug 2012 18:45:11 #4 |

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