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external hard disc problem

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    Ben Trovato

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    Hi from a new member
    I have had a Humax HDR Fox T2 for some time now, I have attached an external WD Elements 2TB drive to copy saved films onto, it is formatted ext3/4 and works fine but it is nearly full. I have bought another identical drive also now formatted to ext3/4 but when I disconnect the old one and replace it with the new one it does not seem to be recognised. I formatted the new one on a computer using Ubuntu disk utility, but I cannot remember how the original one came to be formatted!
    Any advice appreciated.

    | Sun 24 Feb 2013 17:24:34 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Ben Trovato - 1 minute ago  » 
    it is formatted ext3/4 and works fine but it is nearly full.

    Does the HDR understand EXT4? I would check that it is formatted EXT3 and see if that works.

    | Sun 24 Feb 2013 17:27:06 #2 |
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    Ben Trovato

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    I've run the format programme again on ext3 and reconnected it, the USB icon does not appear, it is as though it was nor connected.

    | Sun 24 Feb 2013 19:51:20 #3 |
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    you really want to connect this to the Humax and let the Humax format it and sort itself out, also wait for it to finish, my 2TB seemed to take for ever, I think around 40mins and I'm sure it looked as if it wasn't doing anything and just displayed something like 'processing'.
    If that doesn't help. connect it to a windows pc and format the whole disk from there, re-connect to the Humax and then let that format it.
    If you don't have a windows pc and are using linux only then use 'dd' to overwrite the disk geometry information at the start of the disk, only do this as a last resort as dd will do exactly what you tell it to regardless of whether it makes sense and you could wipe the wrong disk. something like 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/"device name of drive" bs=64k count=1' If you have no other hard drives connected then your usb device name of drive maybe something like sdb or sdc, sdd etc. depending upon what's connected. Don't use dd if you don't know what you're doing. Re-connect to the Humax and it should format it.

    Before you do any of this are you 100% sure there is nothing under menu,settings,data storage, right cursor across to internal HDD and double check your usb drive is or isn't listed.

    My guess, similar to what Martin alluded to, is that you've formatted it ext4. This can be cleared using fdisk and/or dd with linux, however windows is quite good at trashing everything and can be useful clearing a dodgy disk geometry quickly and easily.

    To recap:
    ideally let the Humax format it.
    If not, format with a windows pc and then let the Humax format it.
    If not, start looking up dd and fdisk commands.

    there was talk somewhere of Humax not being able to format more than 1TB, however I'm not too sure if that was internal only. There's no logical reason why this should affect usb external.
    Another method would be to clone the first 2TB to the new 2TB using 'dd' again. This is assuming WD are using the same 2TB's in their Elements enclosures.

    There are plenty of different ways to get this working, the only question is what tools you have available. Let us know how you get on as it will help others.

    If you're feeling really adventuous, you could put the custom firmware on Humax, connect both drives and with a bit of help sort everything out directly from there.

    | Mon 25 Feb 2013 0:32:21 #4 |

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