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External hard disk for T2

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    I would like to connect a portable hard disk to the T2 for more storage. Can some one recommend a 1tb model without mains power that will work? I am thinking of copying recorded program's to it. I assume I can play them back from the ext disk?

    | Wed 26 Dec 2012 10:38:30 #1 |
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    Owen Smith

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    If you're trying to avoid mains power you almost certainly need to use a 2.5 inch USB drive intended for laptops. 3.5 inch drives tend to need external power.

    | Thu 27 Dec 2012 11:07:07 #2 |
  3. aldaweb


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    If you only want to play them back on the same HDR then any 2.5in external drive should do but you may need to reformat the drive to ext3 to enable large files to be copied.
    Otherwise you can write to any FAT32 drive but these will be limited in capacity to 128GB.

    NTFS drives cannot be written to but the HDR will read the files on them.

    | Thu 27 Dec 2012 18:23:16 #3 |
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    Owen Smith

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    To make that a bit clearer, any file above 4GB will be truncated on a FAT32 drive. That's less than one hour of HD content.

    | Thu 27 Dec 2012 23:12:48 #4 |
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    aldaweb - 4 hours ago  » you can write to any FAT32 drive but these will be limited in capacity to 128GB

    Last night I rewrote 400GB back from a FAT32 formatted drive to a HDR-FOX-T2. That was not the first time I have transferred more than 128GB between a HDR-FOX-T2 and a FAT32 formatted drive.

    | Thu 27 Dec 2012 23:25:30 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Max volume size for a FAT32 volume is approx 8TB. Max file size is 1 byte less than 4GB.

    •The maximum disk size is approximately 8 terabytes when you take into account the following variables: The maximum possible number of clusters on a FAT32 volume is 268,435,445, and there is a maximum of 32 KB per cluster, along with the space required for the file allocation table (FAT).

    No idea if the HDR FOX T2 will work with such a drive.

    Windows won't format a partition larger than 32GB without loading a 3rd party format utility.

    The custom firmware for the HDR FOX T2 will enable write capability for ntfs partitions.

    | Fri 28 Dec 2012 10:38:08 #6 |
  7. aldaweb


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    Too trigger happy - forgot I even have a 160GB FAT32 drive

    However the cluster size is an issue for large FAT32 drives as each sidecar file would take up at least 32k as opposed to at least 4k on NTFS (up to 2TB) source

    | Fri 28 Dec 2012 20:07:56 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    aldaweb - 58 minutes ago  » 
    Too trigger happy - forgot I even have a 160GB FAT32 drive
    However the cluster size is an issue for large FAT32 drives as each sidecar file would take up at least 32k as opposed to at least 4k on NTFS (up to 2TB) source

    Now that I do agree with :-, the reason for windows fat32 format limit.

    Humax have seen the light, the HDR-1000S will read and write ntfs and even format a large drive ntfs without even asking (surpised me big time )

    Now all we need is for the PS3 to follow suit

    | Fri 28 Dec 2012 21:11:25 #8 |

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