My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

External Hard Drive

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    Joined: Nov '23
    Posts: 1


    I have a Humax 1800T bought at the end of last year. The internal hard drive is becoming full and there are some recordings which I'd like to keep.
    I want to connect an external hard drive to the 1800T via the USB port at the back of the PVR. This would allow me to copy over my recordings and free up space on the 1800T.
    I want to be able to play the archived recordings on my TV in the future.
    Can anyone tell me what type of external hard drive I should buy and in what format it should be so that I don't lose the programmes?
    I'd be very grateful if anyone can help.

    | Tue 28 Nov 2023 8:12:01 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Lilian - 3 hours ago  » 
    I have a Humax 1800T bought at the end of last year. The internal hard drive is becoming full and there are some recordings which I'd like to keep.
    I want to connect an external hard drive to the 1800T via the USB port at the back of the PVR. This would allow me to copy over my recordings and free up space on the 1800T.
    I want to be able to play the archived recordings on my TV in the future.
    Can anyone tell me what type of external hard drive I should buy and in what format it should be so that I don't lose the programmes?

    The most important factor is that as the Humax uses an MBR style partition table, you should aim for a drive no bigger than 2TB. I think (but not certain) that the the HDR-1800T supports the NTFS file system which would be suitable or you can simply let the Humax format the drive for you. I haven't purchased any external drives for some years so perhaps other members can suggest what works for them.

    | Tue 28 Nov 2023 11:21:27 #2 |

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