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External hard drive not recognised by HDR-FOX T2

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    Hi Everyone,

    I'm trying to connect a 3TB Seagate external hard drive which contains videos that I would like to play back through my Humax. Please note that I do not want to record on to the external hard drive. It is NTFS formatted. However, when I plug the hard drive into the Humax, it doesn't show up as a storage device. But when you unplug it, it says "USB device disconnected", so it does seem that it is at least recognised in some way. Also, it seems to appear as "Extension desk" under storage within the settings menu, although it shows 0GB capacity and can't be formatted through the Humax.

    Does anyone have any ideas as to how this might be fixed?


    | Sat 16 Mar 2013 19:01:13 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    is it all a single volume? I don't know about the built in NTFS support but I think I read recently that the Linux kernel on the Humax is limited to 2TB volumes.

    | Sat 16 Mar 2013 19:11:32 #2 |
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    Yes, I think it is; do I need to partition it?

    | Sat 16 Mar 2013 19:13:38 #3 |
  4. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    If you partition your drive to say 3 1T partitions, there is a possibility that the Humax will see the Hard Drive, however it may only see one of the 3 partitions. Also if the Hard drive doesn't have a separate power supply, there is a possibility that the Humax can't supply sufficient power to the drive, especially if the HDD is USB3 compatible

    | Fri 5 Apr 2013 13:51:34 #4 |

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