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External HDD format & size.

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    Joined: Nov '11
    Posts: 34


    This is a slightly tangential follow-up question. Have been looking at 2TB external drives to format MBR as larger seem problematic. Partly due to the recent discovery that all the major HDD makers are secretly selling SMR drives (otherwise known as 'Archive') at 2TB and upwards, and partly due to the fact the Humax doesn't appear to power external drives down, so shortening lifespan needlessly, I've wondered about using an SSD external drive but formatted to MBR, which is considered less ideal than GPT for SSD. Not many write cycles for an occasionally used external SSD was my reasoning.

    Does anyone have any experience of an SSD as an external drive?

    | Tue 3 Nov 2020 8:29:17 #10 |
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    Roy22 - 1 week ago  » 
    In case it means anything, I looked at the 4Tb drive with a Win10 PC under Disk Management. The Humax had split it into 3 partitions: 1678.02 GB (Primary, now unrecognised by Windows so likely ext3); 369.98 GB Unallocated; 1678.02 GB Unallocated. The drive (3726.02 GB) was now MBR, I'm guessing it must have come as GPT to offer 4TB in one partition.
    But the previous failed external HDD was definitely 3TB, which would suggest GPT too. It just connected and worked with no fuss.

    Hi Roy, you may be interested in reading through my topic thread ( )

    Depending on what system your HDD is formatted in you might be limited on the size or length of programme you're trying to archive. Eventually, I was able to reformat my HDD using a friend's pc, (couldn't do it on a mac). I can't remember exactly what we had to do but the info is in the thread topic I linked. All the best. Cris.

    | Tue 10 Nov 2020 11:13:35 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    crashcris - 3 hours ago  » 
    I can't remember exactly what we had to do but the info is in the thread topic I linked.

    The critical action was to change the partition scheme from GPT (that the Humax doesn't support) to MBR.

    | Tue 10 Nov 2020 14:28:00 #12 |

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