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Factory reset on 7500t format been going 6 hours

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    Joined: Feb '21
    Posts: 1


    Hi I have lost the recording capabilities on my Humax 7500t.

    The hard drive is not showing any recordings or the ability to record.

    I have performed a factory reset including formatting the 1tb internal hard drive.

    The system says that it is processing and has been for some 6 hours.
    It is not showing any progress percentage.
    I don't even know if it is actually doing anything other than looking for the hard drive.

    Can I. just turn the box off and hope that I can still use all other capabilities of the PVR.

    If so I would then like to put a new hard drive in and start again.

    Thank you for any suggestions.


    | Mon 22 Feb 2021 6:25:54 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    90smithstreet - 3 hours ago  » 
    I don't even know if it is actually doing anything other than looking for the hard drive.
    Can I. just turn the box off and hope that I can still use all other capabilities of the PVR.

    I don't know anything about the 7500T but if I saw a format taking many hours on the Humax boxes I am familiar with, then I would be quite certain it wasn't going to do anything. My advice is turn the box off, try the format again and if that doesn't work then consider changing the hard drive.

    | Mon 22 Feb 2021 10:25:16 #2 |

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