My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Failed Recordings

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    junior member
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    I'm wondering if anyone else is having this problem. I am getting a message when I go to play back some recorded programs saying "Failed recording, program not on at the time" (or something like that) but when I go to play it I find that it has recorded it and there wasn't a problem! This has happened many times over the weeks but each program that has said this in fact DID record ok. I have the padding set for 5 minutes ahead of time and 10 minutes over run but this shouldn't matter!

    | Sun 13 Nov 2016 5:57:13 #1 |
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    special member
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    I had that when my aerial signal wasn't great - not had it since I improved the signal (changed my aerial).

    | Sun 13 Nov 2016 9:26:20 #2 |
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    special member
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    I sometimes get the "recording failed" message on my HDR Fox T2. As with yours the programme has recorded normally, minus a minute or two at the start. On checking, this has been caused by one of the two previous programmes over running. The PVR seems to give priority, quite correctly, to the out going recording. An on screen message is also given to that effect.

    | Sun 13 Nov 2016 9:33:37 #3 |
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    junior member
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    I don't think the problem is with the aerial. I checked the signal strength and quality on my 4000T and it was 82% on strength and 100% on quality!

    | Sun 13 Nov 2016 10:21:48 #4 |
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    Joined: Aug '16
    Posts: 34


    Yes - this happens for pretty much all recordings on BBC Four.

    Rarely happens on most other channels.

    | Sun 13 Nov 2016 22:15:41 #5 |

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