My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Firmware 1.01.16 for 2000T

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    Since receiving a firmware update to 1.01.18 my Humax 2000T now stutters on sound/vision even though signal strength and quality is almost 100%.
    I am looking for the previous version of the firmware 1.01.16(?) to downgrade it. Does anybody have this version?

    | Wed 29 Nov 2017 20:11:17 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    benny1234 - 7 minutes ago  » 
    Since receiving a firmware update to 1.01.18 my Humax 2000T now stutters on sound/vision even though signal strength and quality is almost 100%.
    I am looking for the previous version of the firmware 1.01.16(?) to downgrade it. Does anybody have this version?

    You might need to attenuate the aerial signal.

    | Wed 29 Nov 2017 20:19:13 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    benny1234 - 15 hours ago  » 
    Since receiving a firmware update to 1.01.18 my Humax 2000T now stutters on sound/vision even though signal strength and quality is almost 100%.

    I aggree with Graham. If signal strength is being reported as near a 100% then I think your problem will not be anything to do with the software version (which was only a minor update to keep iPlayer working). Too high a signal strength can saturate the tuners and produce exactly the symptoms you are describing. If you have an amplifier in the system then either remove it or reduce the gain. If you don't have an amplifier then buy a variable attenuator Link to ebay and reduce signal strength to somewhere around 80%.

    | Thu 30 Nov 2017 11:57:15 #3 |
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    All, Thanks for your input. From memory I seem to recall that this only started happening after the update. But I have signal attenuator and will try it.

    | Thu 30 Nov 2017 17:41:19 #4 |

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