My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » FOXSAT HDR

Firmware availability

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    Hi, I've just picked up an old Foxsat HDR to use in a second room as opposed to the Aura we watch most TV on. I have a couple of queries if anyone can help.

    1. Not sure which firmware version is on it at the moment, haven't even plugged it in. Is there any advantage in upgrading it and if so where is the firmware available from? I don't think Humax have the firmware on their support page now.

    2. I'd like to check if it can record 2 Freesat channels while watching a third but I'm not sure of the channel groupings to use for this, i.e. which channels are on different transponders. Does anyone have a handy list to point me in the right direction? I'm using a twin LNB with two cables attached and can easily find the satellite.

    | Fri 9 Aug 2024 11:18:00 #1 |
  2. Paul_D


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    The last official Humax firmware was Foxsat-HDR_1.00.21 with the following information in the release notes:

    Humax Foxsat-HDR Software Details & Release Notes
    Application version: HPRSFCI 1.00.21
    Loader version: U7.54
    Micom version: 7.36
    System id: 3768 0000
    Update Date: 27 Jul 2012

    I do have a copy of the firmware file but there doesn't appear to be any way to attach a file to this post - any suggestions from anyone ?

    | Fri 9 Aug 2024 13:26:32 #2 |
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    Hi Paul, thanks for the reply. I sent you a PM, please respond if you can.

    | Fri 9 Aug 2024 19:47:12 #3 |
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    Paul_D - 21 hours ago  » 
    The last official Humax firmware was Foxsat-HDR_1.00.21 with the following information in the release notes:
    Humax Foxsat-HDR Software Details & Release Notes
    Application version: HPRSFCI 1.00.21
    Loader version: U7.54
    Micom version: 7.36
    System id: 3768 0000
    Update Date: 27 Jul 2012

    I do have a copy of the firmware file but there doesn't appear to be any way to attach a file to this post - any suggestions from anyone ?

    Hi Paul_D,

    I while back I uploaded the firmware & had to use a temporary free account for dropbox, so that another user can obtain firmware. Hope this helps. John L

    | Sat 10 Aug 2024 11:16:35 #4 |
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    Thanks for the reply; I'm not a dropbox user but I will look into it if I can't find a copy on my PC hard drive.

    | Sat 10 Aug 2024 13:14:28 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    See my reply to you in this thread:

    | Sun 11 Aug 2024 9:06:05 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    batteryman - 20 hours ago  » 
    Thanks for the reply; I'm not a dropbox user but I will look into it if I can't find a copy on my PC hard drive.

    You don't need Dropbox installed to download from a Dropbox link; you just use a web browser.

    | Sun 11 Aug 2024 9:37:49 #7 |
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    special member
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    Hi Martin, thanks for the reply. There isn't a link but it looks like the problem will be solved elsewhere.

    | Sun 11 Aug 2024 9:56:11 #8 |

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