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Format Humax drive with PC Windows 11

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    Long story, have taken out the 500gb Drive from our Humax, we have Freesat built into our new TV, just sitting these doing nothing, still works when I took it out, would like to use it as normal storage, but unable to format it, computer recognises the drive but nothing else, anyone got a solution.

    | Sun 28 May 2023 8:20:22 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Portellen - 5 hours ago  » 
    but unable to format it, computer recognises the drive but nothing else, anyone got a solution.

    How have you tried to format it?

    | Sun 28 May 2023 13:30:35 #2 |
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    Problem is that I cannot get at it too format, it see’s the drive but does nothing else, device manager recognises it, even uninstalled and reinstalled the driver. Tried all the usual Disk Management stuff, as well as trying to access through DOS. Is Humux used Linux operating system?

    | Sun 28 May 2023 15:29:49 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Portellen - 58 mins ago  » 
    Problem is that I cannot get at it too format, it see’s the drive but does nothing else, device manager recognises it, even uninstalled and reinstalled the driver. Tried all the usual Disk Management stuff, as well as trying to access through DOS. Is Humux used Linux operating system?

    Yes the Humax uses Linux. The Humax will have partitioned the drive with an MBR style partition table. Have you tried deleting all the partitions?

    | Sun 28 May 2023 16:31:39 #4 |
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    Okay, cannot see any partitions, guess need to get some kind of software Windows based that can run Linux and go from there?

    | Tue 30 May 2023 6:19:27 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Portellen - 2 hours ago  » 
    Okay, cannot see any partitions, guess need to get some kind of software Windows based that can run Linux and go from there?

    I have just connected a hard drive removed from a Humax HDR-FOX T2 to a Windows 11 computer and using the Disk Management tool I can see all three partitions. I can't access any content but I could delete the partitions if I wanted. If you are not familiar with the Disk Management tool, right click on the start button and select Disk Management.

    | Tue 30 May 2023 9:20:41 #6 |

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