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Format unsupported - streaming from laptop via Humax

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    Trying to stream a video programme from a Laptop (the programme was recorded from TV broadcast onto the HDR2000T Humax and copied to the laptop) (ie. effectively the laptop has a "backup" of the programme). When trying to PLAY the programme (on the Laptop via the Humax) the error is File format Unsupported.
    (a) I have FTPd (transferred) the four Humax files for one TV programme to a Folder on my laptop ie. the .TS, .HMT, .THM, .NTS files
    (b) I can navigate/connect the Humax Media/TV to the folder containing the files on the Laptop (Windows 10 with DLNA media sharing "on") via the wireless Network ie. I can also see the programme's name on the TV screen.

    When I hit Play, the Humax reports [File format unsupported] or words to that effect.


    1. Humax-problem.jpg (108.4 KB, 0 downloads) 7 years old
    | Thu 7 Sep 2017 10:58:24 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    PatrickYARM - 27 minutes ago  » 
    (a) I have FTPd (transferred) the four Humax files for one TV programme to a Folder on my laptop ie. the .TS, .HMT, .THM, .NTS files

    I suspect that will be the problem. All content on the HDR2000T is stored in encrypted form and FTPing will not remove encryption. For SD recordings you can remove the encryption by copying the recording to attached USB storage. Removal of encryption from HD content is a subject that is not allowed by Forum rules.

    | Thu 7 Sep 2017 11:30:49 #2 |
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    It should play ok if you FTP it back to the Humax and play from there.

    | Fri 8 Sep 2017 12:55:09 #3 |
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    Thanks for this. I can play recordings on the Humax via the network and obviously on the Humax directly. I am trying to "save" my many HD recordings from a Sony SVR HTR500 to play them in the future (when the HTR500 dies). So, I thought I could "save" then to laptop and play them there if all else fails. So it appears there's no way to do it. Thanks for your help.

    | Fri 8 Sep 2017 18:46:04 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    PatrickYARM - 2 hours ago  » 
    I can play recordings on the Humax via the network and obviously on the Humax directly. I am trying to "save" my many HD recordings from a Sony SVR HTR500 to play them in the future (when the HTR500 dies).

    But that is different to the problem you were describing. Are the recordings made by the Sony encrypted? What format are they in? If they are not encrypted then it should be possible but it may mean doing some work to reencode them if the Humax won't accept the current format.

    | Fri 8 Sep 2017 21:15:12 #5 |
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    Thanks for your continued help Martin. Sorry for the misleading initial question. Actually I am trying to help my brother (who's even less clued up than me). He has the Sony (I have a Humax HDR2000T), and I'm trying to get my head round this stuff. The Sony SVR HDT500 has several HD TV broadcast recordings (also backed-up to ext Harddrive) but we know Sony no longer make PVRs any and are trying to future-proof the "collection". I presume the Sony files are encrypted. I was trying to simulate what my brother MIGHT be able to do to save his recordings and "poke" them on a laptop in order to play them in the future. Thus far, I've gleaned that Sony "tie" recordings to the actual box that recorded them and one can only play them back on the specific box - hardly user friendly when the box (or its internal HDD dies). My brother will probably buy a replacement Humax (hence why he asked me to help him). I hope you don't hate me too much.

    | Sat 9 Sep 2017 7:19:43 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    PatrickYARM - 3 hours ago  » 
    The Sony SVR HDT500 has several HD TV broadcast recordings (also backed-up to ext Harddrive) but we know Sony no longer make PVRs any and are trying to future-proof the "collection". I presume the Sony files are encrypted.

    I don't know anything about the SVR HDT500 but a quick Google found a review which certainly backed up your suggestion that recordings are encrypted. You need to find a Sony forum to ask if there is anyway of removing the encryption; if there is then I would be confident that they could be made to play on a Humax.

    | Sat 9 Sep 2017 11:03:34 #7 |
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    Thanks for your continued help Martin. Case closed.

    | Sat 9 Sep 2017 11:57:59 #8 |

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