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FOX HDR T2 clock settings across time change

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    special member
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    Posts: 143


    I've checked both the Humax manual and the FAQ's section here, but could not find an answer.

    I noticed this morning that after the time change last night the front panel clock of my FOX HDR T2 was still showing BST. My question is that I assume it should change automatically, and if so when? My T2 corrected itself on coming out of standby. However if I were away, would the first schedule recording start at the new correct time?

    Hope someone can shed some light

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 11:58:34 #1 |
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    Timers that use freeview AR (accurate recording) will be fine. These are the timers that have been set from the guide without any padding or subsequent editing.
    The reason that AR recordings are fine is that underlying timer uses GMT all year round. It is only on displaying the schedule that a conversion to BST is done for the ‘BST’ timers. It is the same with the details of the guide where the underlying programme events are all specified using GMT but it converted for display purposes only.

    I am not aware whether or not there are any potential issues with manually set timers. On the HDR-FOX T2 where I have manually set timers I also have a very short reminder timer set for the early hours of the morning and this would update the display clock before any of my manual timers run.

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 13:00:34 #2 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 143


    Thank you Luke for a full and detailed explanation.

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 14:02:08 #3 |

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